Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Yes I have figured out a way to take pictures of flip-flopped feet clandestinely - my cell phone. Now of course it doesn't take the best quality photos; but it's not as obvious as carrying around a large Pentax. No one knows their feet are my models they just think I'm messing around with my phone. 

So here are the first batch of flip-flops. These are just a few that I took at a McDonalds on Interstate 80. I stress, just a few. I would not have had time to photograph all the flip-flops adorning the feet of the McCustomers. Well and someone may have started wondering why I was walking all around the McDonalds looking at my phone, stopping in front of peoples tables.

Once I figured out how to Bluetooth the photos to my computer which, by the way, is crazy, my first flip flop photo entry is posted.

Cute little flowered flops.

 Mother & Daughter flips 

Man flops


Monday, June 21, 2010

Okay so we haven't posted any flip-flop photos yet. I just haven't gotten up the nerve to ask someone if I can take a picture of their feet. I'm pretty sure they'll think I'm a wack-o with a weird foot obsession. So I think I'll take inventory of all the flip flops in Sarah's closet and the ones she leaves around the house. 

I'm always getting in trouble for slipping on her flip-flops and wearing them out in the yard where they get muddy. Well if one leaves flip-flops floating freely about, then a person has to figure their family members feet will find those flip-flops first. How's that for alliteration? Probably could use some work.